Retail, For Lease

Venture Park, Lindon Road, Brownhills, Walsall, WS8 7BN.

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Property Reference

Cannock Office


Venture Park, Lindon Road, Brownhills, Walsall, WS8 7BN.


Venture Park is a new development currently under construction offering modern units from 4,198 square feet (390 square metres) up to 8,977 square feet (834 square metres) suitable for retail, business and trade uses.

The property is prominently located on Lindon Road in Brownhills, being accessed via Lichfield Road (A461). Walsall town centre is situated approximately 4 miles southwest, with Birmingham city centre being approximately 13 miles distant.

The M6 Toll Road is approximately 2 miles to the north, with Junction 10 of the M6 motorway being around 6 miles to the southwest.


The new units incorporate a steel portal frame design with plastic coated profile steel cladding incorporating featured glazing panels.

Each unit is offered on a shell basis, but has the potential to incorporate ground floor office accommodation with WC and kitchen facilities. The minimum eaves height is 23ft (7m) and there is roller shutter door access.

Outside there is designated car parking on site, together with service yard.

Get directions to this property:

Venture Park, Lindon Road

Detailed Specification

  • Size

    4,198 to 8,977sq ft
  • Price/ Rent

    Rents from £36,000 pax
  • Accommodation



    B6,361591UNDER OFFER
    C6,361591UNDER OFFER
    D6,308586UNDER OFFER
    E6,329588UNDER OFFER
    H12,5721,368UNDER OFFER
  • Services

    We understand that all mains services will be available to the units. It should be noted that we have not checked or tested these services and interested parties should make their own enquiries.
  • Planning

    Suitable for retail, business and trade uses. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries in this regard.
  • Tenure

    Leasehold: The units are available to let on new 10 year full repairing and insuring leases, subject to a rent review at the expiration of the 5th year of the term. The rent is to be paid quarterly in advance by Banker's Standing Order.
  • Service Charge

    A site service charge will be levied for the upkeep and maintenance of the common areas. Please refer to the marketing brochure for details.
  • Local Authority

    Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council - Tel: 01922 650000
  • Rateable Value

    To be assessed.
  • Energy Performance Certificate

    The units will be assessed once the building works have completed. Further details available from the agent.
  • VAT

    The landlord will charge VAT on the figures quoted as appropriate.
  • Legal Costs

    All legal costs incurred in the preparation of the lease and counterpart lease, together with any VAT and Stamp Duty due thereon will be the responsibility of the ingoing tenant.
  • Viewing

    Strictly by prior appointment with the Agent's Cannock office - Tel: 01543 506640
  • Additional Viewing Information

    Direct Line:

Andrew Dixon & Company. for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice: (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessors, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (2) All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but any intending purchasers or tenants should not reply on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (3) No employee of Andrew Dixon & Company. has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

As far as possible, these particulars are intended to give a fair description of the property. Unless otherwise stated, no enquiries have been made of statutory authorities nor tests made of electricity, plumbing or other services installed in the property. No warranties or certificates of building work, leases/title documents have been inspected. Such information as is given in these particulars is based on a purely visual inspection only and information supplied to us by the vendor/lessor. Interested parties must take their own measurements in order to satisfy themselves that the premises are suitable for their own requirements. Our measurements are approximate in order to give an indication of size only. Whilst every care has been taken to prepare these particulars, we would be grateful if you could inform us of any errors or misleading descriptions found in order that we may correct them in our records.