Search Results (1 properties)

Commercial Land - 0ft² & upwards

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  • Temporary open storage land up to 3 ac
  • Predominantly hardcore surfaced
  • Established industrial location on Hortonwood
  • Available in parcels from 0.5 acres

Land at Crow Brook Park, Hortonwood 30/50, Telford

For Lease
(Under offer)
Rent upon application.
0.5 ac to 3 ac
The property comprises a rectangular shaped parcel of commercial land extending to approximately 3 acres (1.22 hectares) with a return frontage onto both Hortonwood 30 and 50. It is currently accessed via Hortonwood 30.

The site is level and predominantly surfaced with hardcore/hardstanding and suitable for open storage. It is securely fenced and gated to one side and bounded by a hedge and tree-line to the other side.

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