Industrial, Sale / Lease

1 Daniels Way, Hucknall, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 7LL.

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Property Reference



1 Daniels Way, Hucknall, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 7LL.


Hucknall lies 7 miles north of Nottingham city centre and benefits from excellent access to the M1 motorway via Junctions 26 and 27.

The property is located on Daniels Way, 1.5 miles south of Hucknall town centre, just south of the A611 which connects to Junction 27 of the M1 via the A608.

Hucknall is an established industrial location and occupiers in the immediate area include Toll Global Forwarding, SAC, Wolseley, Briton Fabrications and GeoAmey. The subject property adjoins Harrier Park, a new 67 acre development of large commercial units.


The property comprises a detached industrial unit constructed on a steel portal frame with an eaves height of 4.85m. It has two loading doors and is divided into two main areas internally, heated with warm air blowers. There are two storey integral offices including a canteen and toilet facilities.

There is a single access to the site from Daniels Way, a car park to the front of the unit and further parking along the side elevation. there is a yard to the rear of the unit with a basic building currently housing compressors. In the east corner of the site is a telecoms mast which is fully fenced.

Get directions to this property:

1 Daniels Way, Hucknall

Detailed Specification

  • Size

  • Price/ Rent

    Price/rent upon application
  • Accommodation

    Ground floor23,190 sq ft2,154.4 sq m
    Main first floor offices2,210 sq ft205.4 sq m
    Production office267 sq ft24.8 sq m
    Mezzanine store433 sq ft40.2 sq m
    Total26,100 sq ft2,424.8 sq m
  • Services

    We understand that all mains services are available or connected to the property. It should be noted that we have not checked or tested these services and interested parties should make their own enquiries.
  • Planning

    The property currently has planning permission for Class E, B2 & B8 use of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).
  • Tenure

    Freehold/Leasehold: The property is available for sale, or to let on a new full repairing and insuring lease.
  • Local Authority

    Nottingham City Council, Admail 4270, Nottingham NG1 9YZX - Tel: 01159 154819.
  • Rateable Value

    According to the Valuation Office Agency website, the rateable value of the property in the 2023 Rating List is £108,000.*.
  • Energy Performance Certificate

    The property has an Energy Rating of D76.
  • VAT

    All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT, which may be payable at the prevailing rate.
  • Legal Costs

    Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs in connection with this matter.
  • Viewing

    Strictly by prior appointment with the Agent's Telford office:
  • Additional Viewing Information

    Contact: Andrew Dixon MRICS
    Direct Line: 01952 521005
    Mobile: 07957 828565
    Ref: JAGD/3854

Andrew Dixon & Company. for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice: (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessors, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (2) All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but any intending purchasers or tenants should not reply on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (3) No employee of Andrew Dixon & Company. has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

As far as possible, these particulars are intended to give a fair description of the property. Unless otherwise stated, no enquiries have been made of statutory authorities nor tests made of electricity, plumbing or other services installed in the property. No warranties or certificates of building work, leases/title documents have been inspected. Such information as is given in these particulars is based on a purely visual inspection only and information supplied to us by the vendor/lessor. Interested parties must take their own measurements in order to satisfy themselves that the premises are suitable for their own requirements. Our measurements are approximate in order to give an indication of size only. Whilst every care has been taken to prepare these particulars, we would be grateful if you could inform us of any errors or misleading descriptions found in order that we may correct them in our records.