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Concentrix Call Centre, Adwick Park, Dearne Valley, Rotherham, Yorkshire, S63 5NA.
Ground Floor | 32,482 sq ft | 3,017.7 sq m |
First Floor | 30,170 sq ft | 2,802.9 sq m |
Total Area | 62,652 sq ft | 5,820.6 sq m |
Property reference:
Concentrix Call Centre, Adwick Park, Dearne Valley, Rotherham, Yorkshire, S63 5NA.
Rotherham is a major commercial centre in South Yorkshire, located approximately 6 miles northeast of Sheffield and 12 miles southwest of Doncaster.
Dearne Valley is a former Enterprise Zone located between Barnsley, Rotherham and Doncaster and between the M1, M18 and A1M motorways. Rotherham town centre is 5 miles south, while Doncaster is 9 miles to the east.
The subject property lies just to the south of the A6023 Manvers Way/Wath Road, which leads westwards through Dearne Valley and out to Junction 36 of the M1 via the A6195. The A635 runs eastwards, north of Wath upon Dearne out to Junction 37 of the A1M. The A6023 leads out to the A630 connection to A1M towards Doncaster.
Apart from the industrial and logistics centres at Dearne Valley, the area has an historic call centre market. Capita have a 150,000 square foot facility on Brookfield Park, just along Manvers Way; the NHS are on Call Flex Business Park; while Royal Mail have a facility at Cortonwood Business Park. South Yorkshire Invest are still promoting small parcels of land for commercial development in the area.
The property itself lies between Wath Road (A6023), Golden Smithies Lane and Adwick Park. Call Flex Business Park, a 100,000 square foot multi-let office park, is opposite occupied by a variety of businesses including the NHS and a South Yorkshire Police Training Centre. There is also a strong educational presence in the immediate location - Dearne Valley College, a higher education centre for apprenticeships, is across from the site on Manvers Park. The JTL Training Centre opened in October 2024 in the former Morphy Richards Head Office directly across the road from the subject property. There has also been residential conversion of a former University of Sheffield educational building - Humphry Davy House was converted to 108 apartments and is located on Golden Smithies Lane.
The property comprises a detached office building arranged over two floors, purpose built and designed for call centre operations. The building has a mixture of clad and glazed elevations.
Internally, there is a double height reception area served by a 10-person passenger lift. Staircase and WC cores are on either side of the building. Both ground and first floors offer predominantly open plan offices, with certain areas divided off for meeting rooms and contract led customer areas. The WC facilities on each floor have all recently been refurbished, as well as upgrade works to the staff canteen.
The building caters for upto 2,500 working staff through on-site desk space, the off-site server system and flexi working. The space has been designed internally for the operation of specific contracts. THe building operates generally from 1.00am to 9pm weekdays.
There is a telecom mast on site, adjoining the eastern elevation of the building.
As part of the October 2023 lease re-gear there is an agreed Deed of Works to be undertaken by the tenant before September 2025. The landlord is to contribute upto £300,000 for those works. The vendor will enter into an undertaking to cover the contribution figure. The improvements and upgrades set out in the schedule of works include: installation of PV panels on the roof; installation of battery storage linked to the PV panels; installation of EV charging points; M&E upgrade works including removal of gas fuelled plant and replacement with electric alternatives.
The site extends to 4.95 acres including car parking to either side of the building providing 440 car parking spaces (ration of 1:141 square feet). There is currently a single access point to the site from Adwick Park.
Longer term, the site would offer potential redevelopment options. The current site coverage is only 15%. Capita recently sold one of their freehold buildings on Dearne Valley to a neighbouring occupier for redevelopment and the construction of a new industrial facility.
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As far as possible, these particulars are intended to give a fair description of the property. Unless otherwise stated, no enquiries have been made of statutory authorities nor tests made of electricity, plumbing or other services installed in the property. No warranties or certificates of building work, leases/title documents have been inspected. Such information as is given in these particulars is based on a purely visual inspection only and information supplied to us by the vendor/lessor. Interested parties must take their own measurements in order to satisfy themselves that the premises are suitable for their own requirements. Our measurements are approximate in order to give an indication of size only. Whilst every care has been taken to prepare these particulars, we would be grateful if you could inform us of any errors or misleading descriptions found in order that we may correct them in our records.